Alocasia odora x Alocasia ‘Portei’
PARENTAGE: Alocasia odora (ovule parent) x Alocasia ‘Portei’ (pollen parent)
SYNONYMS: incorrectly refered to as Alocasia x ‘Portodora’, Alocasia' ‘Portadora’, Alocasia ‘Portidora’, Alocasia ‘Portore’
HYBRIDIZER: LariAnn Garner (Aroidia Research)
DESCRIPTION: The particular selection that is commonly sold came from a group that LariAnn calls ‘Portora Green’, named thusly because the petioles and the main leaf veins are green.
An additional group was created from the initial cross, that LariAnn calls the ‘Portora Red’, which had redish/maroon petioles and main veins, and a reddish spathe. LariAnn has stated that were that selection ever to make it to market, it would be under the hybrid name Alocasia ‘Thunder Waves’.
This hybrid is one of the largest ever created, with LariAnn showcasing a specimen that was around 12 feet tall (see below)
HYBRIDS: Alocasia ‘Sumo’ (Alocasia ‘Portora’ x Alocasia princeps)
Photo by LariAnn Garner
Inflorescence photos from The Belmont Rooster